Toy and Game Manufacturer Supply Chain Visibility and Information Services

Customer Need/Problem

A world-leading provider of toy and game products had been experiencing significant growth through its base business structure and through acquisition.  As its import logistics base grew, in terms of global scope and complexity, this company had need for a globally accessible information system capable of accommodating the diverse information needs of its seven organizational divisions, capable of handling shipment-related information to the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) level of detail.  While the presence of such a system would greatly aid in its import management activity, their internal systems development resources were deployed and focused upon internal enterprise systems development, rather than upon logistics-related applications. Therefore, company logistics officials sought to address its needs in this area through partnership with an outside service provider.

Service Solutions

OOCL Logistics PODIUM® application, through its Internet platform and multiple screen (17) structure, has provided a number of information-related features to support this company’s import management needs, which include:

  • The ability to load, monitor and amend purchase order shipment detail from vendor source to port delivery.
  • Secured and measurable accessibility to shipment information by personnel in multiple decisions and global locations.  There are currently more than 50 users of the system within the overall organizational structure.
  • A Report Generator function that enables company representatives to create management and analytical reports using standard and/or customized formats.  At present, the database supporting this function contains 56 data elements.

Customer Benefits


  • A centralized repository for storage and access of highly detailed global purchase order shipment information simplifies administration of import management functions.  This results in staffing efficiencies, even as their global operations structure grows and becomes more complex.
  • MyPodium through its use of a secure, central database infrastructure enhances data integrity and enhances real-time access to accurate shipment-related information.