Making the right choice of e-fulfillment logistics provider in the extremely fragmented China logistics market can be daunting – Make All the Right Moves with OOCL Logistics
China has one of the most lucrative and rapidly growing e-retail markets in the world and the e-Commerce boom has radically transformed the Chinese retail logistics landscape. In the past, service providers focused on providing relatively simple domestic distribution programs, encompassing little more than store delivery to the direct retailer’s locations. Now the scope is growing to national distribution across China and order fulfillment services directly to the retailers’ customers. Effective distribution programs have a direct impact, improving end-customer satisfaction.
Fulfillment process design is crucial to service level differentiation among the many competitors in market. To achieve truly successful e-fulfillment in China, you need a service provider, like OOCL Logistics, with the distribution and IT capability to meet the continually transforming requirements for all the various stages of your business growth – including facility location, fulfillment services capability, visibility and control.

Warehouse Network – location matters
While daily fulfillment can be managed easily, a key to success is to have a fulfillment center that can handle flexibly changing workload requirements and still ship orders within designated, sometimes very tight, timelines. On-time delivery isn’t just about when the product arrives – it directly affects each customer’s future decisions to shop online.
The China e-retail market presents many challenges. As an example, there are special festivals in China like “Double-11” - the Chinese Singles Day, which has been fueling the world’s largest annual e-shopping spree since 2009. All fulfillment services targeting this holiday need to be highly flexible in order to increase capacity to absorb the sudden surge of pick & pack volume while at the same time ensuring all orders are delivered on time.
OOCL Logistics has an extensive warehousing network in China. We give you the ability to utilize a distribution center in proximity to your target customers with the capacity and flexibility to rapidly meet changing fulfillment demand.
Fulfillment Services – innovative, customizable solutions
While effective distribution and warehouse management are essential for successful fulfillment –they are but parts of the total picture and incomplete without a powerful Warehouse Management System (WMS). Success requires innovative IT solutions to effectively integrate fulfillment with complex global supply chains and simultaneously reduce operational expenses.
OOCL Logistics has designed and built its own highly-customizable Warehouse Management System (WMS) that has exactly the advanced capabilities necessary to increase workforce productivity while lowering costs. Integrated with our full supply chain suite, our in-house controlled WMS solution means even greater flexibility for you, as we can easily meet system and design customization requests without involving 3rd-party off-the-shelf software or system providers.
Visibility and Control – see it…control it, staying nimble
Even if all your physical fulfillment services are functioning well, you can’t truly control your marketplace if you can’t see or affect what’s going on daily and respond quickly. OOCL Logistics’ PODIUM® family of logistics technology solutions provides full visibility to your inventory in every location in our network. OOCL Logistics Customer Service and you can monitor the entire operation online anytime, anywhere and make critical adjustments as needed.
OOCL Logistics e-fulfillment services – a case study: Capability and flexibility
OOCL Logistics provides e-fulfillment services to a large furniture and household products retailer in China. Our client challenged us to not only provide fulfillment for over 50 stores in major cities across the country but to manage furniture and household products that are often irregular in shape, big, and frequently fragile.
Just the nature of the product created challenges with warehouse management and slotting. Our warehouse design professionals completed a detailed analysis of each of the client’s products and combined that understanding with sales metrics before implementing a comprehensive warehouse location and slotting program. That program optimized required warehouse space and selected distribution centers within a one hour radius of the client’s target customers in China’s largest cities.
OOCL Logistics’ program significantly reduced delivery times, storage space required in all distribution centers and damaged goods and returns.
No matter if your orders are small parcels or big boxes, OOCL Logistics has the capability and flexibility to handle your e-fulfillment requirements. From inventory management to distribution and after-sales services, OOCL Logistics’ extensive China warehouse and distribution network can Make All the Right Moves. Contact your OOCL Logistics Sales Representative and talk to us about how we can design a winning China e-fulfillment program for you.