Looking for cost effective and reliable trucking services in China
Serving retailers with a dedicated nationwide distribution network across China
China’s distribution landscape has gone through significant transformation over recent decades. While
developing rapidly, China still lacks the very efficient national distribution systems found in Europe or
North America. The Chinese distribution infrastructure is dominated by multiple regional and provincial
service providers and level s of capability and organization vary dramatically.
High logistics costs and the weak transport infrastructure in China pose further hurdles for both retail
and distribution provider alike. Few transport providers are capable of national reach in China so
manufacturers are forced to deal with a large number of intermediaries across different regions.
The challenge for the retail industry in China is finding a dependable, quality distribution service
provider who can handle nation-wide store delivery among the many players in the China market – and
that can be harder than finding a needle in a haystack.
OOCL Logistics is a trusted name with proven China distribution solutions at the ready
One of our customers ranks in the top 50 Chinese FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) retailers and
faced exactly this kind of infrastructure and provider integration problem as they searched for a single
distribution partner that could manage deliveries and returns to/from 120 stores across South China.
OOCL Logistics developed a sophisticate distribution and returns program to ensure timely merchandise
flow as outlined below.
OOCL Logistics established multiple, daily dedicated distribution routes to collect replenishment
goods from suppliers and deliver the goods, while also picking up the return items from stores
using a multi-stop delivery and pick-up program.
OOCL Logistics captures all transactions into our sophisticated Information Technology
platform to ensure all delivered product and return pickups are correctly handled and recorded.
OOCL Logistics tracks all trucks on their routes using our RT-Link product. GPS enabled, RT-Link
allows product recipients to sign-off for deliveries electronically with digital signatures
immediately recorded in our systems.
Let OOCL Logistics develop a program to manage your China distribution challenges
As in the example above, OOCL Logistics can manage a regional or nation-wide distribution network in China to optimize your store distribution operations too. We have programs that include DC-to-Store, Store-to-Store and/or Reverse Logistics. Our domestic distribution network covers not only the major cities but even remote rural areas that are rapidly opening in China
Let our solutions design specialists help design an efficient and cost-reducing China store distribution program for you – and Make All the Right Moves in the China marketplace.