Our Commitment to Security
Security Policy
Never before have shippers been faced with such challenges as they attempt to meet the ever increasing security requirements of countries around the world. Increased supply chain security measures result in a range of higher costs, increased paperwork and the possibility of bottlenecks and delays. In this environment, only an adept and comprehensive logistics partner such as OOCL Logistics can help you.
C-TPAT Certification
OOCL Logistics was one of the first participants in Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, the U.S. government's voluntary security program. As a C-TPAT certified company, we have met rigorous standards governing security management, physical security, and access controls. We have also met human resources requirements, and have upgraded our management of manifests to ensure they are complete, legible, accurate and submitted in a timely manner to U.S. Customs.
When it comes to handling your shipments, you can rest assured OOCL Logistics will make All the Right Moves for your cargo's security.
Cargo Safety Concerns
OOCL Logistics' Solutions
Certification by customs and law enforcement authorities?
Full compliance with the C-TPAT program
Train and designate security personnel?
Trained, designated security officers
Use subcontractors that also have security programs?
Subcontractors meet C-TPAT standards
Maintain written physical security standards?
Written physical security standards
Ensure that all facilities are secure?
Buildings constructed of entry resistant materials
Require that incoming drivers present photo ID's?
All drivers must present photo IDs
Have controls to prevent entry by unauthorised persons?
Unauthorised people barred from facilities and conveyances
Prevent unauthorised access to computer systems?
Computer and information systems protected
Maintain security officers on site?
Security officers protect each of our facilities
Conduct pre-employment background checks?
Every employee is subjected to background check
Maintain and employee Code of Conduct?
Code of Conduct in place
Train key personnel in document fraud security?
Strict document fraud procedures are in place
Maintain integrity of all types of conveyances?
Vessel, trailer, railcar and aircraft security integrity assured
EU Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) is a voluntary program and is part of a series of EU initiatives aimed at improving the security of the international supply chain as well as facilitating trade for legitimate traders.
The AEO status can be obtained by any company which carries out activities covered by Customs legislation that forms part of the international supply chain. Applicants for the status will need to demonstrate Customs compliance, suitable accounting and logistical record keeping, proven financial solvency and adequate security and safety standards.
Certified companies will be recognised across all member states and depending on the certifications they obtain, AEO status entitles them access to Customs simplification procedures and other helpful trade facilitation services in Customs control and security.
Please click here for more details and guidelines on the website of The EUROPA - Taxation and Customs Union. The AEO certificate of OOCL Logistics is listed in below.
AEOC Certificate – Europe (covering Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and the UK)
Partners in Protection (PIP)
OOCL Logistics was certified as a PIP logistics service provider in September 2012, Certificate No.: 12090. Partners in Protection (PIP) is a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) program that enlists the cooperation of private industry to enhance border and trade chain security, combat organised crime and terrorism and help detect and prevent contraband smuggling.
It is a voluntary program with no membership fee that aims to secure the trade chain, one partnership at a time. PIP members agree to implement and adhere to high security standards while the CBSA agrees to assess their security measures, provide information sessions on security issues and offer other benefits. Member companies are recognised as being trusted traders, which allows the CBSA to focus its resources on areas of higher or unknown risk.
Through their partnership with the CBSA, PIP members contribute to the security of the supply chain and the facilitation of legitimate trade.